Топ-менеджер [Laba] [Виталий Нужный]


VIP складчик
8 Сен 2016
Top Manager [Laba] [Vitaliy Nuzhny]

You will not just study management theory. We have built the training on a mix of managerial experience in the IT field and academic knowledge from Stanford and London Business School.

Course Program:

Spoiler: 1. Leadership

- the difference between a manager and a leader
- key roles in business and their competencies: CEO, COO, CTO
- formula of trust in a leader: honesty, reliability, proximity, self-orientation
- key competencies a leader needs to develop
- influence of a leader's personality on organizational effectiveness
- how to choose a management style: situational leadership
- main reasons for success and failure of managers

Spoiler: 2. Emotional Intelligence and Effective Communication: DISC Personality System

- understanding emotional intelligence and its importance
- DISC personality assessment system: subconscious priorities
- effective communication based on DISC
- dealing with conflicts with different personality types
- practical test: "What is my DISC personality and why"
Practice: test to determine the DISC personality of an investor/manager/subordinate and choose an optimal behavior model for them.

Spoiler: 3. Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation

- the type of culture needed for successful organizational operations: Spencer Stuart framework
- identifying employee needs: Maslow's hierarchy
- non-monetary employee motivation, communication, and feedback
- Adams' equity theory

Spoiler: 4. Marketing Strategy and Sales

- attracting customers: brand platform and positioning strategy (AIDA)
- increasing demand for products: 4P, 7P models
- enhancing profits through pricing strategies
- developing a unique selling proposition (USP)
- significance-unique selling proposition map (S-D Map)
- building B2B sales and achieving company's strategic goals
- innovative approach to sales
- increasing customer lifetime value (LTV)
Practice: create a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business.

Spoiler: 5. External and Internal Environment Analysis

- identifying weaknesses in the business model with SWOT analysis
- portfolio analysis using the BCG matrix
- balanced scorecard system
- why some companies succeed while others don't: "hedgehog concept"
- finding untapped markets: blue ocean and red ocean concepts
- SWOT analysis in real-time
Practice: conduct BCG or SWOT analysis for your case using templates.

Spoiler: 6. Company Strategy Development

- Robert Burgelman's model of strategic interaction: link between strategic goals, actions, and competitive environment
- strategic dissonance
- role of culture in company strategy
- strategic recognition and leadership
- business consolidation strategy
- framework for strategy development in mature companies

Spoiler: 7. Strategic Session: Case Study based on Burgelman's Model

- utilizing strategic session tools
- Disney case study: applying strategic force interaction model
Practice: apply the strategic force interaction model to your business/case and analyze structural elements.

Spoiler: 8. Finance

- analyzing primary financial statements - P&L
- ensuring company's operations - SG&A
- annual financial planning

Spoiler: 9. Finance: Case Studies

- understanding unit economics through a case study
- making decisions based on numbers: financial modeling, scenario development
- short-term forecasting: regular monthly forecasting
- P&L analysis with instructor guidance
Practice: analyzing your business's financial statements, creating cost optimization scenarios.

Spoiler: 10. Risk Management and M&A

- KPMG's 6 pillars of excellence experience
- managing cash flow for business sustainability
- organizational growth evolution: 6 growth phases, 6 crises according to L. Greiner
- working with debt capital
- preparing for M&A processes: evaluation criteria, company preparation for sale, integration and synergy after the operation

Spoiler: 11. Building an Effective Team

- developing a company for managed development: building and optimizing business processes based on Adizes model
- team formation according to Tuckman
- personnel assessment: identifying C-, B-, and A-players
- conflict management: behavior strategies, 6 steps to conflict resolution
- developing KPI system: aligning department goals and key indicators
Practice: analyze the organizational structure of your company/department, propose improvement plans and build a KPI system.

Spoiler: 12. Personal Positioning

- 6 ways of personal positioning
- strategies for successful interviews: Amazon questions analyzed
- rules of effective networking
- online resume analysis for managers

Spoiler: 13. Digital Business Transformation

- strategic approaches: 5 problem-solving methods in the digital era
- degrees of digital maturity and strategy selection
- role of design thinking during transformation
- significance of Big Data and data strategies
- employee workflow automation: tools and software

Cost: inquire with the organizer.