Польский язык. Уровень B1 через 20 недель [Speakasap] [Елена Шипилова]


VIP складчик
8 Сен 2016
Polish Language. Level B1 in 20 weeks [Speakasap] [Yelena Shipilova]

From zero to B1 in 20 weeks
27 academic hours with teachers
400 hours of independent work
Vocabulary size: 3500 words
Online learning: videos, audios, exercises
Homework and materials
MP3 recordings of classes
Classes available at any time
Certificate of completion
Personal manager

Result guarantee in 20 weeks
Confident level Polish B1
Passing exams in Polish A1, A2, B1, Polish Card
Comfortable stay in Poland
Ability to speak Polish with a native speaker

Course program
10 weeks with a Russian teacher:

The verb "to be" in Polish
The verb "mieć" (to have)
Modal verbs
Conjugation of verbs from the 3rd and 4th groups. Reflexive verbs. Dative case
First conjugation verbs, locative / prepositional case
Second conjugation verbs
Imperative mood in Polish. Vocative case
Past tense in Polish
Subjunctive mood in Polish. Talking about time and prices
Future tense in Polish
10 weeks with a native speaker:

Introducing oneself
Working in Poland
Living in Poland
Transport system in Poland
Education system in Poland
Health insurance in Poland
Stores in Poland
Restaurants in Poland
How to spend free time in Poland?
The national character of Poles
* The program can be adjusted based on your individual request