Скачать Освоение американского акцента [udemy] [Waleed Waley]


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8 Сен 2016
**Складчина: Освоение американского акцента [udemy] [Waleed Waley]**

Язык курса - **английский**.

**Бонус от организатора** - русская аудио дорожка

Чему Вы научитесь:
- Освоите американский акцент и будете говорить свободно, как носитель языка.
- Определите все правила произношения чистого американского акцента.
- Разберетесь с проблемными согласными и основными гласными звуками американского английского.
- Освоите правильное ударение в словах, фразовые глаголы, сокращения и числа, а также многое другое.
- Изучите интонацию и запомните особенности американского произношения.

**Описание на английском:**

This course is prepared for those who look forward to improving their pronunciation and sound like the native. So, if you want to be fluent in speaking and able to break the ice to start any type of conversations, this course fits you.
In this course, you will learn to produce the standard American accent. Some people also call it “broadcaster English.” It’s the kind of standard, neutral speech that you hear on CNN. It’s a non-regional American accent, meaning that people do not associate the dialect with any particular part of the United States.
**How Should I Practice?**
Listen to the recorded material repeatedly, follow along with the speaker, and practice pronouncing after pauses. Recording yourself while repeating can help you compare your accent with that of the speakers. Practice speaking to yourself, focusing on one sound at a time, until you feel ready to move on to the next. Repetition and careful pronunciation will help you achieve a more natural speech pattern over time.