Скачать Лунная Магия. Обряды на Луну для исцеления жизни: для богатства, здоровья и удачи [Академия Кайдзен] [Янина Шляпникова]


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8 Сен 2016
[Складчина: Лунная Магия. Обряды на Луну для исцеления жизни: для богатства, здоровья и удачи [Академия Кайдзен] [Янина Шляпникова]]

"Lunary Magic - Ancient Tool for Life Transformation, Superpowers Development, and Spiritual Growth. Today You Will Discover Lunar Energies and Learn How to Work with Them for Your Benefit and Others!

Knowing the Most Favorable Days for Initiatives and Performing Simple Rituals to Enhance Luck Can Make Any Endeavor Succeed as You Desire. This Applies to Health and Wealth as Well.

The First Lesson Will Empower You to Become Knowledgeable in Working with Lunar Magic!

During the Lesson:
✅ Understanding the Moon;
✅ Differentiating Energies of New Moon and Full Moon;
✅ Lunar Cycles and Phases;
✅ Lunar Rituals for Healing, Life, and Finances.

At the End of the Lesson, Yanina Shlyapnikova Will Perform the "Chandra" Ritual for Heart Health.

In the Second Lesson, You'll Dive Deeper into Lunar Magic and Its Influence on People, their States, and Events. This Lesson Will Be Magical and Unconventional! You'll Learn Techniques That Will Boost Your Development as a Mage and Spiritual Practitioner.

During the Lesson:
✅ Moon and Its Power in Zodiac Signs;
✅ Lunar Influence on Human Energy Based on Zodiac Sign;
✅ Moon Magic and Lunar Eclipses Magic;
✅ Moon Rituals for Developing Extrasensory Abilities.

At the End of the Lesson, You'll Receive the "Namaste" Ritual to Enhance Any Magical Procedure.

Price: 250 rubles.