Скачать Экспресс-курс по лидерству [Udemy] [Bas Lebesque]


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8 Сен 2016
**Складчина: Экспресс-курс по лидерству [Udemy] [Bas Lebesque]**

Язык курса – английский. Бонусом организатор сделает русскую аудио дорожку.

**Чему Вы научитесь:**
- Ключевые факторы лидерства
- Лидерство во всех сферах вашей жизни
- Нет лидерства без коммуникации
- Лидерство и постановка целей

Этот серьезный интенсивный курс лидерства добавит целостности в ваш стиль лидерства. Разработанный для трансформации, предоставляет простые и эффективные инструменты, чтобы ваши действия соответствовали вашим ценностям.

**Основные выводы:**
1. **Проявление Целостности**: Уверенное внедрение ваших ценностей в каждое решение на работе.
2. **Принятие Умных Решений**: Освоение искусства решений, особенно в сложных ситуациях.
3. **Продолжение Роста**: Важность личного и профессионального развития без остановки.

Помимо этого, вы изучите искусство эффективных запросов, изменения перспективы для обогащения процесса принятия решений.

**Стоимость**: 19,99 € (примерно 1900 руб.)

**Описание на английском:**
This no-nonsense leadership crash course will bring integrity to your leadership style. This unique training is designed not just to teach but to transform, providing you with straightforward, effective tools that ensure your professional actions consistently mirror your values. It’s tailored for those ready to lead with authenticity, continuously making impactful decisions. Key Learnings: Put Integrity into Action: We simplify the process of integrating your core values into every decision you make at work. You'll learn practical ways to ensure your leadership reflects your ethics and principles. Smart Choices: Master the art of confident decision-making, especially when faced with tough choices. We provide clear strategies for navigating with more confidence, helping you discern the right path forward. Keep Growing: Embrace the journey of continuous personal and professional development. Our course emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset, teaching you to foster resilience and adaptability in both yourself and your team. Additionally, you’ll explore the art of making requests in a way that empowers and motivates your team, enhancing efficiency. Changing perspectives will be another focus area, where you'll learn to see situations from multiple angles, enriching your decision-making process and fostering a more inclusive team environment. We also delve into the power of quitting—recognizing when to step back or let go. This course redefines quitting as a strategic leadership decision, demonstrating when it’s necessary to halt efforts that no longer serve you, the team's, or the organization's best interests. By the end of this course, you'll not only understand the essence of leading with integrity, but you’ll also have a toolkit for practical application. You’ll be equipped to handle challenges with grace, lead by example, and build a team culture based on trust and respect. Plus, with skills in making effective requests, embracing different viewpoints, and knowing when to pivot or quit, you’ll navigate leadership challenges more adeptly, guiding your team toward shared success and growth.