Скачать Что такое тантра? Активация богини [udemy] [Shaft Uddin]


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8 Сен 2016
**Курс "Тантра: Активация богини" от Shaft Uddin на учебном портале Udemy**

- **Описание:** Курс на английском языке с русской аудио дорожкой.

- **Вводные слова:**
- Узнайте принципы Тантры для самосознания и личностного роста.
- Активируйте внутреннюю энергию богини для достижения желаемого.

- **Чего вы достигнете:**
- Исцелите сексуальные травмы и обретите удовлетворение в жизни.
- Освойте йони-картирование для пробуждения удовольствия.
- Познайте силу духовного роста и самопознания через Танту.

- **Для кого:** Курс подойдет всем, кто стремится к личностному росту и исцелению.

- **Цена:** 19,99 USD

Подробное описание и регистрация [здесь](ссылка).


**Description (in English):**

This transformative program is designed to help you understand and practice Tantra, awaken your inner goddess energy, and embark on a journey of personal and spiritual growth, as well as sexual healing.

Are you seeking a deeper connection with your inner self and a holistic exploration of your sexuality? Do you aspire to manifest your dreams and live a more fulfilling life? If so, this course is tailor-made for you.

Within this course, you will delve into the principles and practices of Tantra. Discover techniques such as yoni mapping and de-armouring, meditation, heart activation, and ovarian breathing. These powerful practices will guide you towards accessing your inner power and awakening your goddess energy, facilitating manifestation and healing.

With Shaft Uddin as your trusted guide and instructor, you will tap into the transformative potential of Tantra. Drawing upon his vast experience as a Tantric practitioner and teacher, Shaft will generously share his knowledge and wisdom on this ancient spiritual practice, along with modern trauma release techniques. Together, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing.

In this course, you will:
1. Access and activate your inner goddess energy for manifestation.
2. Overcome sexual trauma, anorgasmia, and other sexual health issues.
3. Explore your Yoni through the transformative practice of Yoni Mapping.
4. Cultivate a harmonious relationship with your body and embrace your sexuality.
5. Navigate different types of trauma, facilitating healing and growth.

This course is suitable for anyone with an interest in Tantra, spirituality, personal growth, and sexual healing. Whether you are a beginner or possess some prior knowledge of Tantra, Shaft Uddin will expertly guide you through practices and techniques, empowering you to unlock your full potential.